This kid looks like he's up to something -don't you think?
The Little Man is really good at rolling over, sticking his tongue out, drooling and getting colds. He's pretty much had one right after another for the last 2 months.
I've been thinking about hidden benefits of having a baby. (Trying to take my mind of the disadvantages I guess -no sleep, extra weight that won't go away and trying to ignore unwanted advice and judgement).
Here's what I came up with:
One thing is since you've always got a second person with you you pretty much always get to drive in the carpool lane on the Freeway.
People open doors for you -especially when you're carrying a car seat.
Instant friends. This can sometimes be annoying, but I hardly ever go out anymore without someone talking to me -usually about how dang cute the Little Man is!
Conversation piece. Justin and I noticed this when we hosted our international dinner - there's always something or someone to talk about when you have a baby.
No more overeating at restaurants. I suppose it can still happen if the Little Man's with a babysitter. But, as I realized last night, there's just no time or way to eat too much when you've got an infant with you. I probably worked off more calories at dinner trying to keep him entertained and off of the table then I actually ate.
As long as my kid looks cute, who's going to notice me? This may just be in my head, but I figure that everybody is looking at the baby, not what the mom is wearing -or her lack of makeup because he's 'kissed' it all off or pulled my hair so it's fallen too.
Who knew there were so many benefits of having a kid around all of the time??
**By the way, for those of you who follow the Little Man's blog and got tired of checking it because it has been so long since I updated, you're in for a treat, because there's a new post (with pictures) up.