Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter in Alpine

Justin wanted do go up to the Gough Cabin for a quick weekend, and we decided on Easter Weekend.  We offered the invite to by brothers, and Gordon and Jessica were able to come.  (Jodi and my parents were on their way back from California).

We didn't 'do' a whole lot, besides eat good food, play games after the kids (finally) went to sleep, and sent the boys and big kids out to risk their lives heading towards the tree's down the hill.  We also attended the ward in Etna (it's as exciting as it sounds -Gordon and I were trying to count the number of cowboy boots we could see (I lost count).

Easter tubing from Melanie Lafeen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


First of all, I never realized that caucusing was a word.  Second, although I feel like I've supported the system by supporting Justin to attend (and I've never missed a general election or most primary elections in the last 10+ years) I have certainly never attended anything like I did this evening.

It. Was. Awesome!  It was awesome to see so many people taking time out of their lives to vote.  It was awesome to see so many democrats in one place.  It was awesome to see so many people waiting in line longer than any Disneyland ride I've ever seen, and they didn't even get an 'I voted' sticker.  It's been awesome to see so many friends post similar posts on social media.  It's just awesome.

I was also lucky enough to not have to take the kids with me.  I've taken them voting before and made sure they knew what I was doing and afterwards who I voted for, but I'm glad that I found a sitter.  I hope that Justin's and my enthusiasm over the process and the idea that it's important to be involved and have your voice heard will spill over to our children.

I'm usually one of the more cynical and pessimistic people around, but this process invigorates me and actually gives me hope for a future that for a majority of Americans will be better than it was for the previous generation.

I read a quote earlier in the week by David Foster Wallace (an American author) that said: "In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: You either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some diehard's vote".  I've never really agreed with the 'head in the sand' mentality of politics or our voting responsibility.  There isn't a perfect candidate for any office for any person, but you have an obligation (in my humble opinion) to make a choice.  In life there really isn't any fence sitters.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Drumroll please...

For Christmas this year Dave and Lisa gave each of the kids (adult kids) a trip.  Baseball for Justin and Dustin, and a Golf trip for Kris.  The catch was, we had to / got to plan it ourselves.  I'm pretty sure Dustin and I would have bought our tickets to Fenway that night... but we waited.
And waited.
And then I waited a bit more.
I finally started to get a little antsy as February turned into March and I was convinced we'd never get tickets to a game.
We worked on a place for the kids for a weekend in June, but still no tickets.

Then Justin went above and beyond (saying that the game part was for my birthday).

The two of us are headed to Boston and The Happiest Place On Earth (Disneyland has nothing on Fenway in my book) for not one, but TWO games against the Mariners.  A VIP tour of Fenway and a reception with an active roster player.

I'm more than just a little excited :) 88 days and counting...