Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How much are YOU worth?

It seems that a few of my conversations in the last couple of days have had something in common... What our jobs and time are worth.

I was driving with a friend to our Mary Kay unit meeting last night and we were discussing our jobs (we work together at the state as well as doing Mary Kay) and the recent school voucher issue. One of the insightful and truthful ads on the radio for vouchers made the comment that 'with more money per student in the public school system, the districts could use the extra money to give teachers a raise'. They COULD, not would, or will, or even should, but could. Hmmm... I believe there are many things that large corporations (which is exactly what a school district is) COULD do with their money... and it usually does not include giving their hard-working, front-end staff a raise. That's saved for the people with reserved parking places.

Now... I could jump on my own soap-box and include lowly paid and little respected caseworkers who did NOT get a raise from the last legistative session, but I won't. But, I wonder what I feel like my time is worth on a daily basis.

I'll tell you what it's NOT worth... $7.50 an hour working from 7pm until 1 or 2am a couple of nights a week. Today with some clients we were talking about second jobs, especially during the holidays. One woman had worked at a certain superstore 2 years ago to earn money for her kids Christmas. )I won't mention the name, but maybe you'll catch on.) I tried working there before I got married, to try and help more with the expenses. Justin and I refer to that time as 'the target experience'. I don't think I'll ever do that again. Maybe it was trying to work a full-time job, plan a wedding, spend time with Justin and attend family holiday parties, working on my feet until 1 or 2 in the morning and still getting up at 6 to go to the gym every morning that did me in. But I was a wreck, and too close for comfort to a nervous breakdown. And, all for $7.50 an hour. NOT WORTH MY TIME!


  1. I try to only spend 7.50 an hour when I go into the store... don't really work that well.

  2. would it really give the school district more money if vouchers were in place? doesn't some money have to go to subsidizing the vouchers? and you are right...the extra money would definitely not be going to teachers, especially in utah.

    and...does this mean you are boycotting target too?

  3. No, I'm not boycotting Target... where would I shop? Plus, the carry Method, which is the 'green' household supply line I'm buying now. I AM a granola. And, as far as the school voucher thing, ALL it is is a tax break for the one's that can already afford to send their kids to private school. I talked to Shawn about it (your brother) and it sparked a heated debate between him and your mom! SCARY.
