Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fall Back

First of all, I don't enjoy this time of year and the time change. And, it's not because it get's dark at 6. The Little Man doesn't seem to get it, and the extra hour of sleep I once enjoyed for one day before kids has turned into an hour less of sleep for 6 months. At least, that's what happened last year, so we'll see if we can get this kid on a new schedule soon.

Second, I wanted a reminder of the week of fall/autumn we enjoyed. Please don't take this as complaining about the weather. (Facebook has enough of that, I feel like jumping off for a week or so when the seasons change, that's all anyone usually talks about). We've had snow for 2 days, nothing heavy, but it's still snow, and I doubt we'll get any warm days in the near future.

Last week was fall, and we tried to get outside often (even took a break from mall walking and continued our park walks most of last week).

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