We missed a few of our holiday parties (a very tired mom, and a 2 year old needing a nap kept us home during Christmas Eve afternoon), but made it to most of them.
I ran a few errands (with both kids in tow) in the morning, and then we went to Justin's aunt and uncles Christmas Eve. We had a delicious dinner and a Bingo game where Justin came out $20 richer. I forgot to take pictures, but the Little Man loved playing with cousins, and we all had a really nice time.
Christmas morning was pretty fun. The Little Man got a balance bike. He's just about an inch too short still in the legs, but he'll be exactly the right size as soon as it warms up just a bit. He still really likes it, and he really got into opening presents. He would get really excited even before he knew what was in the box when he would unwrap gifts.
We went out to my aunts house for brunch, which is pretty much my favorite meal of the year. I think it has something to do with the scones and honey butter. Mmmm...
We opened a few presents (after they were all located) and headed home for naps after that. This year we also made it to the Hardcastle's for Christmas dinner. We haven't made it to that dinner since we've been married, and it was particularly nice to spend time with the family this weekend.
After dinner and visiting, my siblings and parents opened gifts. My mom, as always, was very thoughtful and the Little Man and the Little Miss got WAY too many gifts. And, as always, the cheap gag gifts that my mom finds was the biggest hit. Who knew that marshmallow's could leave welt marks when shot out of pvc pipe marshmallow guns.
We didn't make it to Justin's dad's house, so they came over on Sunday. The Little Man is in LOVE with all of his Thomas the Train stuff he got from his grandparents, I can hardly get him to eat and sleep anymore. We also went back to Justin's mom's house and had a few more gifts to open. We've been very blessed and a little spoiled this year for sure!
It was nice spending time with family, and the Little Miss was great during all of the festivities. But, having a boring day at home today has also been VERY nice!
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