Thursday, October 20, 2011

What we've been up to

I've thought a few times about November -and the challenge many bloggers take up to blog every day.  I'm barely making two posts a month (on three blogs), I don't know if I'll even attempt it this year, but who knows, maybe I'll change my mind.

I usually only blog after mini vacations or photo-ops.  I should probably add more of an actual update.

I'm now in the Young Women's presidency, teaching in Gospel Principals, and will be the only one in the ward who plays the organ in about 2 weeks.  You'd think we were in a branch!  I've spoken with the bishop and time will tell, but I believe there may be some changes on the horizon with my church callings.  I'm only a few value experiences away from earning my Young Women's medallion (as a leader) so I've tried to bump up my efforts to get in sooner rather than later.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the gym on a Saturday morning... and came home about $1100 poorer.  I let a trainer give me my free session (I've only been going there 6 or more years, I guess it was time).  After negotiating the price and options, I will be meeting with a trainer every week for the first month or two, and then every other week after that for a year.  At least.  I'm trying to follow their recommended diet and exercise plan so I hope to see good results soon.  After the 1st two session I can say I've never been more sore. I didn't know your body could feel like one giant bruise for three and half days following a work out.  Every week.  I am now meeting with my regular trainer and I think he has a more balanced approach which was nice.  Wish me luck!

I'm doing nothing else really.  Reading a lot.  My night table is full of books for book club, parenting boys how-to's and how to get my kid to start sleeping through the night again.  I try to help Justin out with some of his many responsibilities and make dinner.  Trying to find yummy dinners that have more protein than carbs has become my obsession lately.

Have I ever listed the things Justin is involved in?  Besides work, he is now employed by two separate universities teaching online and on ground classes.  He has accepted a new position in a new department at work, that will have him traveling more.  The nice thing is he actually get's paid some overtime hours when he travels, so I guess we'll see some added benefits there.  He often does extra work for the Navy every couple of months, in addition to his weekend drills.  His next 2 week training isn't until next spring.  He was made head of the Midvale Planning Commission, and I believe he is still president of the local Kiwanis club.  He also had a talk with the bishop recently because he is over Employment, Welfare, the Ward Choir and is the Sunday School President.  He asked that the bishop narrow his role a little and let me know what he is supposed to be working on.  The auto business in Orem recently moved locations, which was a big headache, but will hopefully be better in the long run.  Henstrom and Belements are running normally.

I'm sure I left something out.  I always do.

Well, you can read his blog for all the details.  He's a month away from being three years old, fully potty trained (will most likely start tackling naps and bedtime on the beginning of the year), and still as loud as ever.  For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of hearing him whistle (or his trains whistle as he insists), it's can be quite piercing.  He's having issues sleeping -waking up at 5, or in the middle of the night, or sometimes taking a couple of hours to fall asleep at night and fighting me during naps.  I'm hoping we've just hit a rough patch and it will go away quickly.  He's always been such a good sleeper that this is quite unnerving.

I'm sure labeling your kids (wild child or mellow child) is frowned upon, but she's my mellow little girl.  She can be quite vocal when her brother makes her made or pushes her, and when she's hungry and tired, but in between all of those times she is so content.  It's so refreshing.  I'm sure some of that is because she's a girl, and some of it because she's the 2nd child.  I've noticed they are often (but not always) a little more forgiving than the first.  She's close to walking, but in the meantime is a speed demon while crawling.  She waves bye-bye and claps has such as cute (and toothy) smile.  She had a few mornings where she wanted to wake up before 5, but typically she's a great sleeper.  Oh, and have I mentioned that her hair is staying red, and we all just love it?

That's about it.  For those of you who made it til the end, thanks for reading, but I'm a little surprised.  Don't you have anything better to look at online?

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