Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12th Day of Christmas

I'm going to try to and write down a few (12, maybe?) memories of Christmas past during this month. No pictures. Boring for most, but I'll do it all the same.

My first 'memory' is more of a story I've been told.

I guess when I was very young (3 or 4) I told a mall Santa what I really wanted for Christmas. I apparently failed to mention this to my parents. My mom finally got out of me that I wanted a toy shopping cart. Remember the yellow and orange Playskool ones? I was sure that it would be there Christmas morning.

So, my dad went to Toys R Us (or some other horrible place to be looking for a last minute gift) on Christmas eve to make sure Santa kept his promise.


  1. True, we were so worried because you would not tell us what you wanted. We had alrady gotten you a doll and doll high-chair, and christmas eve dad went and found the chopping cart

  2. This is a fantastic idea Melly! I think I will do this for a family home evening and make a book for our family!
