Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 1 (on Day 3)

Okay... from the list, this is day 1. A recent picture of yourself and 15 interesting facts. Since all I think about these days is the pregnancy, maybe I'll try to make the 15 facts about that, but there's no promise that they'll be interesting.

I have no recent pictures of me, really. But, check out that orange bump in the background... that's me.

1. I'm 34 weeks pregnant, and hoping I've only got about 5 more to go. We'll see.

2. My doctor (OB) is also a family doctor. She has been my doctor for 6 years, since I moved to Salt Lake, and is also the Little Man's doctor. I love it. Sometimes I feel like I call a lot (between the two of us) but I love having one doctor for our family. It doesn't happen very often anymore.

3. I'm still walking about 3 miles a day. This is pregnancy related, trust me. I'm also doing prenatal water aerobics at least once a week. I think I've still gained less this time around, and I'm much healthier (no edema so far).

4. People are just as surprised this time around that we didn't find out what we're having. (boy vs girl)

5. It's much easier to tell people that I won't have an epidural, since I managed to have a natural birth the first time around.

6. We're delivering at a new hospital this time.

7. I've tried to have babies at any time other than the holidays, but it just doesn't seem to work out. My very first pregnancy would have been due in August, and my 3rd was due in September. I guess my body just really wants to deliver sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe we'll have better luck next time.

8. This kid moves like CRAZY! I'm actually trying to think of a nickname for the baby (for the blog) along these lines. The Little Man was pretty content with a jab here and a jab there... not this one. It's still full body movements, somersaults, and jabs to my bladder. All. The. Time. Maybe he/she's our little Kick boxer, Soccer Player, Wiggles... any suggestions would be appreciated.

9. As far as the swelling, I'm so much better off this time around. By August of the Little Man's pregnancy I couldn't wear my wedding rings. I can't wear my diamond (it's a thicker band), but I'm still wearing my wedding band. That's a good sign.

10. I'm really looking forward to have a newborn again. But, scared to death about the lack of sleep. I need sleep. I just don't function when I don't get sleep.

11. I think the Little Man is going to like having a baby around (at least at first). I also think he might try to be a little too helpful. And, I'm just waiting for the first time that he'll crawl into the crib or even bassinet. We can't seem to keep him out of it right now.

12. I'll spare the details on this blog, but I'm going to breastfeed again. Along with my pump, an expensive prescription, herbal supplements, and a strange apparatus to help supplement, I'm hoping to make it to 6 months this time.

13. I have a mile-long list of things that I still need to get done before the baby arrives. A lot of people say I should just wait until 'nesting' kicks in, and I'll get it all done in 3 days. I never felt like I nested with the Little Man, so I had better start checking things off whether I feel like it or not.

14. I think we're having a boy. At the very beginning I thought it was a girl, but now I feel like it's a boy. There are a few differences with this pregnancy, but I imagine there are more similarities. We'll be happy with either (of course), but I know just about everyone else is hoping for a girl. Let's be honest, they're just more fun to shop for.

15. Even though I really don't want the baby to come now (trying to avoid the NICU) and I know that sleep won't be easier once the baby gets here, I still just want it to be here. I'm getting excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl, see how the Little Man reacts, and just be done with pregnancy. I know there are women out there that claim they LOVE being pregnant, I'm just not one of them. I love feeling movements (except between the hours of 11pm and 5am), and I'm grateful that I'm able to carry healthy babies, I'm pretty close to miserable when I'm pregnant. So, I'll be happy next month when we're finally done. (Until the next time).


  1. I applaud you for being so active! I just never felt like I had the energy to do it. I also think it's great that you went natural. I hope to go again to try it, with a more supportive cast. I will have to keep my dear one out of that room until the baby is on it's way out. But that is saying that I will get to go again...

  2. It's fun to hear how you are doing. Your bump is cute!
