Saturday, January 3, 2009


I really like blogs. I like reading others, keeping up to date with friends and family -as well as complete strangers. I like making my own record of most of our comings and goings and being able to go back and read it.

I'm not the only one who has had a life altering experience or milestone while keeping a blog. And, I also know that we're still in that first phase of parenthood (or at least I am) where it's pretty all-encompassing and I do little else but feed and change the little man, try to keep my house in some resemblance of order and catch up on countless hours of missed sleep.

I've just been wondering when I'll have something to say on here that doesn't involve the little man.

I think its safe to say that I USED to have more in my life before having a child (b.c. - before child). That's actually one of the reasons I started the baby blog, so I'd have an outlet for all the kid stuff -but there's little else to talk about.

I used to talk about work. When it was too hot in our offices, road trips to see kids, moving to a new building, our new 10 hour work day, and how I really feel about my job.

I used to talk about baseball. I'm not going to add links, just assume that most posts authored by me in September and October every year reference my obsession with the red sox.

I've spent a lot of posts about trips... books I've read... concerts we've attended.

But now... it's all kid all the time.

The good thing is we've already been out (Justin and I) twice, so I may actually feel like I have a small life away from the little man soon. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually enjoying myself. I am WELL aware that he's a 'good baby'. Once he actually started eating ,he's rarely cries for more than an hour where he can't be consoled. He doesn't spit up much, he loves his baths, and as Justin always says, he's pretty dang cute! Our biggest thing now is getting him to sleep and in the bassinet right after a feeding -and the frustration of having to supplement with formula.

I wouldn't trade this time for anything and feel very blessed to have this baby in our lives. It's just weird to barely remember what my life was like... ya know, b.c.


  1. i like baby posts. by the way, what's the countdown for?

  2. Our (me & Hyrum's) trip to Phoenix.

  3. There was life BC? I didn't know that. I thought that the day Kent and I got married they handed us a little bundle of joy, but the numbers don't add up. Kent and I have been married 5 years and my little one is only 2 1/2. You will however get to a point where it's not ALL about the baby. It will still be mostly about him, but as they get older and less dependent on you your life takes is own shape (just a little) again. Honestly though...don't do what I did. Don't get so caught up in his need for you that you forget to make Justin take you out and have a good time. I know and you know that you have family, ward members (hum hmmm), and friends who would be willing to take him for an hour or two while I become human again.

  4. I don't want to butt in but if you ever need to talk or need advice on getting thru the new born stage, I feel I have really been thru the ringer with Conner so I am here if you need anything.
    The new born stage is the most difficult in my opinion, it really and truly does just get better and better and better as time goes on. Thats my advice to every new mother, IT GETS BETTER. I wish someone had said it to me. I was thrown when I realized having your own is much different from baby sitting. Good luck. Its hard, but in a few months you will realize why people have babies :)
