Sunday, January 18, 2009

Teepees to the rescue

That's right. Pee-Pee Teepees to the rescue.
My friend Bryon gave us these for Christmas. They're mostly just a gag gift to be honest, most of you are aware, or could at least imagine that babies do a little too much squirming to make them extremely useful on a regular basis.
However, this morning when I was changing the Little Man I didn't have a new g diaper ready. While I was doing that, I grabbed the teepee -I just had a feeling. Sure enough, I heard that all too familiar sound, but didn't see anything.
It soaked through the changing pad cover, but at least I didn't have to do a wardrobe change -or worse!
Thanks Bryon!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading the ol' blog! At times I wish I knew the joy of being tinkled on by a little guy.. but my girls more than made up for that by pooping, not regular poop on me, but projectile poop, all over..
