Wednesday, January 7, 2009

That's what your kitchen is for

How about a light-hearted post that's NOT about a baby?

I went to Costco on Monday. I'm going to try and start using coupons (kind of a new years resolution, if and when I ever get to thinking about resolutions, I'm kind of just keeping my head above water at the moment). I'd like to start planning meals and menu's and doing my shopping with that, so coupons should be more effective that way.

That's actually not what I was going to post about.

I got Costco's coupon mailer last week and noticed a bunch of things that 1- we use regularly and 2-we needed to restock on. Two good things in a coupon. So... I waited a few days to go to the store until the coupons took effect.

Which, is apparently, what everyone in the valley does as well. The place looked like a Saturday (I refuse to go to Costco on a Saturday, I did it once, and never again). There were crowds of people near the items that had come out in the mailer, which was fine, I can handle that part. In fact, it kind of made it easy to find what I was looking for.

What I can't handle? The people hovering and circling the 'sample' tables like some kind of starved vultures. I'm not kidding. If you're a sampler, then, more power to you I guess. But seriously? Waiting in line with 10 or more carts to get a tiny little cup of soup? If you're walking by and there is something to grab from the table, go for it. But I PROMISE you, nothing is worth waiting in a line for the little old lady to take out of the microwave for you to eat.

I don't even make eye contact with the cute little old ladies just on principle. No thank you, I don't need your cheese spread and cracker. I'll just BUY some crackers and cheese spread if I get the craving.

Maybe I should have mentioned this at the beginning, but I've had 2 nights in a row with 3 hours of sleep or less... I might be a little ornery and overreacting a bit, but it IS a little annoying.


  1. That is hilarious!!! Seriously, I mean I've seen those tiny samples! They are hardly worth waiting in line for!!

  2. De-lish. I love watching the little Grandmas cute up the egg roles and pizza pockets with scissors. Yummy. I wonder what else Costco uses those scissors for... I just had to use the word 'scissors' again in this comment cuz it took me so damn long to figure out how to spell it.

  3. I always feel guilty when I turn down the old ladies. It's like saying no to a grandma. Maybe when you need something off of a shelf you should say, "hey look, they just opened a new free sample booth!"

  4. The only time I go is when it first opens in the morning. It is perfect! Me and about ten other people!

  5. LOL! Waiting in line for free samples. That's something I've never witnessed before. :)

    Hey, thanks so much for delurking on my blog and saying hi. It's nice to "meet" you.
