Saturday, January 10, 2009

How much is too much?

I watch a lot of tv during the day now. A lot.

Luckily we have cable so it's not 'daytime tv' -soap operas and talk shows. It's all prime time in the daytime to steal one of the networks taglines.

I layed down for a minute during the Little Mans nap this afternoon and, I kid you not, dreamed an episode of Law and Order: SVU.

Complete with the 'cha chung' sound effect.


  1. It's really hard not to get sucked into TV when all you ever so is feed a baby. It's like what else are you going to do. You can't clean, cook, or do a whole lot else with a baby latched on!

  2. Ok, that is AWESOME! It totally made me laugh! especially with the sound effect! You crack me up!
