Wednesday, May 21, 2008

From one obsession to another

I've held back on posting about this great event, but if Justin can post about American Idol of all things... then you get a post about Lester.

Who is Lester, you ask?

Jon Lester is the 18th Red Sox pitcher to ever throw a no-hitter. Which he did against the Royals on Tuesday night. I didn't get to see the game because, well, Utah hates baseball. And, if they ever show baseball on TV, its the Rockies. Whoopie. Can we please see some GOOD teams play every once in a while?

Oh... and what's better than having a no-hitter and being in first place in the standings? The fact the New York Yankee's are in last place. Yep... somehow, that just feels better.


  1. Way more exciting then American Idol! Sorry Justin :)

  2. Just to give this some perspective...I had the choice this week of rewatching the no-hitter and watching the Idol results show...lets just say I still don't know who won AI! But I know who won my heart, Mr. Lester.

  3. Lester...sounds like a creapy janitor name. Now if Baseball and Idol joined forces that would be a great sport/reality show (that I still would not watch)

  4. Mel...Did you say it was the red wheat or the white that was hard to get?
