Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Going without

Okay... so I really don't think I've 'gone without' any of the necessities of life, and for that matter, most of the comforts.

I've always had medical insurance -even dental, and the only time I ever went without my 6 month check up was on my mission. I've never gone without food. I may have had different budgets for groceries or eating out -especially in college, but I've never worried about having money to provide myself with food.

I've gone without a car for short periods of time - when mine has been in the shop or out of commission -but even then, I've had family or roommates that I could rely on to borrow cars or get me where I needed to be.

Even now, I may not have fancy jeans or designer purses, but I never have to wear the same things every day, and I can afford to clean my clothes on a regular basis (but not iron them -which that has nothing to do with money or ability).

Justin and I have been without the internet and TV for... 4 days now, and it's KILLING us! To be absolutely honest, we've done fine because we both have the internet at work and we don't watch TV during the first part of the week (but don't mess with my Thursdays). But, I think we've only fared this well because of (1) most nights I'm so tired that I just want to eat and then sleep, and (2) we know it should be a short time before we have it again.

I know I'm a product of my environment, and I'm far too reliant on technology -but I also know I'm not the only one out there. I don't even keep phone books in the house -because it's far easier to 'Google it'. And I'm not just missing TV -I need my DVR! To all of those who have not subscribed to the TiVo, DVR, or other digital recording device -you have my pity, and my admiration. It's definitely one of those things that you can totally live without... until you have one! I'm actually concerned with the fact that our new service's DVR doesn't have a dual tuner in it (from what I can figure out from the internet -yes, I'm at work) and we won't be able to record 2 things at once.

In my defense, Justin and I watch very little TV. But... when I watch TV, I want to watch what I like -I hate, hate, HATE, surfing channels and finding something to watch that you really don't want to, just because you were busy the night before and missed one of the few shows you WANTED to watch. Hense... DVR is awesome! (Plus -I hate commercials -but who doesn't).

We're scheduled to be visited today by the 2 companies that need to finish hooking up our service, and we should be up and running by this evening -although I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't happen that smoothly.

If it's not up by Thursday evening... can I come over and watch a couple of hours of TV?


  1. Hell ya! Come on over! Fun Thursdays could be BACK! Doors always open. I'll even pay for gas...or flight for that matter! Thursday it is!

  2. Don't worry Our DVR is set for everything important that occurs on Thursdays, so you are more than welcome to walk 1 block two blocks south and then 1 block west.

  3. You are welcome to walk 2 blocks south and 1 block west and watch it on our DVR, It is set to record everything important on Thursday nights.

  4. Better yet...you and Hoov should come to Hawaii for Fun Thursday! I have a beach house and a big screen, but no DVR, so I guess I'm kinda going without too. ;) Bad news is I'm not paying for gas or a flight. I will take you deep sea diving and boogie boarding though.

  5. Oh my goodness...I do feel for you, I went without for a little over a week when I moved into my place and OH MY GOSH!!! Hope you are all set up now! :)
