Friday, May 2, 2008


Anythings better than working or packing, so I thought I'd respond to Buffy's post -although I'm not tagging anyone else.

Where I was 10 years ago:
Uh... getting ready to graduate from high school -yes that means my 10-year reunion is coming up. More specifically, we were probably finding out that Andrea was moving to Germany... getting ready for Cotillion (or maybe we already went) and just hanging out with friends.

Things on my to do list:
1) go to my first doctor's appointment
2) pack, pack, clean, and then pack some more. We're moving tomorrow morning.

Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
If I was still working, I'd quit. Justin would too probably and pursue other businesses. We'd pay off the house we just signed for yesterday. Go to Brazil, New Zealand, and Boston -because I'd be buying season tickets for the Red Sox. A bunch of other stuff, that's all I can think of right now.

3 of my bad habits:
There's too many to list just 3

5 places I've lived:
Roy, UT
Logan, UT
New Zealand
Holladay, UT
Midvale, UT (starting tomorrow)

5 jobs I've had:
Telemarketer in various forms and companies
Director of various summer camps
Caseworker for the State of Utah
-that's five

Something people don't know about me:
There's a few of you that know this already, but we're not going to use traditional disposable diapers when we have the baby. It's not cloth... they're called gDiapers.

1 comment:

  1. please tell me you are going to use the used, g-diaper flushables as compost in your garden! that's the circle of life...but don't offer me any produce or herbs from your garden until your kid is potty trained! ;)
