Saturday, March 23, 2013

New and Slim

No, I'm not talking about a new pair of jeans (I wish that were the case).

I have a habit of 1-buying cheap laptops and 2-using them until they are past the 'best by' date.  (and 3-not being very kind to them in the interim).

The one before this last one had to be used on the table, with it propped up and fan going to keep it cool enough, and my most recent one also has a cooling problems and it no longer has a battery that works, so when it comes unplugged -even for a second- it shuts off.

We learned our lesson a while ago about backing up or storing your files on something that isn't right in front of you ($2,000 in restoring a bad media drive will do that to you).  So, I don't need a very heavy duty machine.  I decided I needed something more than a tablet, but I just a computer to search the internet, manipulate photos, and I do need a word, excel and power point program.

I saw a commercial for the Chromebook and noticed the price ($250, and they have one that is even less than that) and was curious.  Luckily I have a friend who is very familiar with them and I felt confident that I could do everything I do with one.  Fast forward a few months plus an extra day or two because I actually shipped it to my parents... but it's here!

And it's so cute and light.  I'm a fan so far.

1 comment:

  1. I've had my laptop for 7 years. For the past 2 Christmases and birthdays I've hoped for a new one but haven't pushed it enough to make it happen. I've seen these adds and have been really curious. I even said to Paul once, "I wish I knew someone who knew enough to say 'awesome deal' or 'you get what you pay for' about the chromebook." Anyway I'm kinda jealous.
