Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's just time

I don't feel like I have anything to really blog about, but it just feels like it's been a while since I've posted.

We're pretty much moved in to the new place with a limited number of unpacked boxes which have been placed in the 2 spare bedrooms (out of site, out of mind). We haven't even STARTED on our list of 'stuff' we need (hooks, organization helps for various spots, mirror for the downstairs bathroom), but at least there is a list... somewhere. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that list for a while.

It's time for me to start feeling better. I'm willing it to happen. I hit the 12 week mark this week, so according to all of my books, that means I get energy back and I start to feel less nauseous. It's going to happen. It has to. I can't go on for another 6 months like this. I'm looking forward to the 2nd trimester reprieve.

Also... we have TV and internet. It actually came on Friday -which was quite a surprise to us. The internet is super fast... fiber optics or something like that. We're a little disenchanted with the TV service. It's just not quite as user-friendly as our last service, but we'll get the hang of it. Thanks for the all of the offers to come and watch my Thursday night addictions with you (even those who offered that would have been quite a commute). We ended up taking the TV back to the old apartment and watching while we cleaned.


  1. I agree...it was about time! When my regular bloggers don't blog I start to worry. It never occurs to me to maybe just call 'em... hmmm, I'll do that next time.

  2. good luck feeling better. For me the 13th week was magical and life got remarkably better from there.

    From that point on, until right before my monkey was born, I felt better than I had for years.

    I'll wish you luck!
