Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Choking Hazard

Justin has never made it a secret that he's deathly afraid of children choking. Well before the Little Man came around he made that fact known (to anyone and everyone).

So of course, the first time that the Little Man was actually choking, he'd be here without me. He wasn't even home alone, his younger brother was here, but I don't think Bryan was a lot of help.

Luckily, some kind of instinct kicked in, and he did the Heimlich maneuver. Not before the poor kid turned purple and his eyes rolled toward the back of his head.

Kind of glad that I wasn't around to be honest.


  1. I actually was doing it before and during the blue-face! Ugh. Never want to be there again.

  2. So sorry!! How scary. What was he choking on?

  3. that is scary!

  4. Yikes! Glad everything is okay. That's one of my fears, too and lucikly we haven't had to deal with it to the blue face....yet!
