Saturday, December 5, 2015

How to Cope

My preferred method of coping with most stressful situations is to sleep.  Ignore.  Compartmentalize.  Sometimes it is to find out as much information as possible, so that it becomes less personal and more logical, or distanced from myself.  Sleep and ignore are, by far, my favorite.

To be honest, it's not really a bad plan.  Most situations or conflicts can be solved by a good nights rest, or just forgetting about it for a while. (My husband would disagree with me, but that's another post entirely).   Don't we usually worry ourselves over every little thing, that usually is just that -little and insignificant?

There are obvious exceptions to my usual methods.  And, because I'm a responsible and dependable person, I don't handle a lot of things that way.  I show up, get my job done, ask for help, delegate.  I do have other resources.

But some things are just out of our control and up in the air, and not conclusive, and so damn personal that it's impossible to ignore.  Or sleep away.  Or create a space in your brain for it to just sit, so that it doesn't affect the other parts of your life.  No amount of research, google searches, talking to specialists, planning, wondering, playing out what-if's in your head will make it go away.  And, there's no foreseeable time in the near future that things will go 'back to normal'.  You worry about what will become the 'new normal'.  And how that will affect your life from here on out.

So, for now.  I'm going to find the strongest sleep aid I have, which isn't very strong, I'll be honest.  And fall asleep watching something on netflix that is funny or cute, or so far from real life that it won't matter.

1 comment:

  1. Ug. I'm so sorry and I'm worried about your mom and you all. I hope for the best and pray in the meantime.
