Monday, March 14, 2011

Long Days

Monday's are my (and Justin's) long days. I've been trying to get up at 6 (regardless of what the night was like) and go to the gym a few times a week, and Monday is one of them. Monday's are usually quite busy for Justin at work, and then he teaches on campus for University of Phoenix. So, it's just me and the kids until 10pm.

This Monday is no exception, even though it's by birthday. Despite lot's of calls, texts, facebook messages and even some yummy cupcakes with DELICIOUS frosting (thanks Shondel), today pretty much sucked.

To top it all off... Hyrum jumped off an ottoman and cut his head open. Again. A friend (who helped out when he did the same thing at Girls Camp) stopped by on her way home from work and took a peek. She didn't think it needed stitches, but after some peroxide and liquid band aid, I'm not so sure we made the right decision. Kate had a unusual day and was pretty unhappy and tired for most of it. She was screaming, he was crying, but it was just me here, so the three of us went to Walgreens to get the first aid supplies that I didn't have on hand. We must have looked pretty pathetic, when we walked in. In fact, I know we did. The lady at the makeup counter said "Oh, honey, you have your hands full, I'll help you get what you need". Which was much appreciated.

Thirty-one years old. I don't feel any different than I did yesterday. But, I got to sleep all night last night, ran 3 miles at the gym, got a 30-minute nap, plus I made a delicious (and healthy) dinner and talked to a few friends on the phone. Oh, AND, I didn't have to go to insta-care with Hyrum. I guess it wasn't that bad of a day after all.

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