Friday, March 29, 2013


Hyrum "Wait, you let mom sleep all night?"
Milo "Ya, I needed some sleep and I figured she did to"

Kate "You don't understand how it works around here"
Hyrum "We've been sleeping all night because we thought you had it covered, but if that's the case, we'll have to figure something else out."

Milo "Well, what do you want me to do?"

Kate "I'll try something new tonight, start sobbing or crying a few times during the night, I'll start before mom even goes to bed, that might be interesting"
Milo "Okay, I'll start around 5 am, try to convince her I want to wake up super early"

Hyrum "Sounds good, let me know if I need to jump in there for anything.  Oh, here she comes -as you were"

There isn't a doubt in my mind that these conversations aren't taking place on a regular basis.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I laughed out loud. Sorry. Hang in there. Last night (still on vacation), I was awakened by Jack falling off the bed with James. As soon as I got him calmed down and made sure nothing was broken, I went to put him in the pack n play, but that is where I had put Molly because she was being weird and wouldn't go to sleep. It took a while to figure that out, then trips to the bathroom, then up early anyway. I'm sorry. I just wish kids would sleep.
