Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thanksgiving and a Birthday

It's not secret that I haven't managed to stay very up to date on the blogs the last few months.  Which is why I'm doing a quick post about Thanksgiving and Justin's birthday in January.  (Although, with the magic of technology, it'll post on December 31 so it at least gets in the right book when I get caught up on those too).
So, this year we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Hardcastles.  We also had our Saturday before Thanksgiving with the Richmonds, but no pictures from that one.  I got food poisoning the night before (McDonalds, my fault for getting the grilled chicken) and didn't make it to that one.

Maybe my New Years resolution needs to be taking more pictures at family events, because all I have is the pie I made... and one photo of Milo at Greg and Sally's.

 This was a banana cream pie with salted caramel and dark chocolate ganache.  The cream didn't set up as firm as I wanted, or it sort of melted on the way to dinner, but other than that it was good.  Since Justin's birthday fell on Thanksgiving, I made this one for him.

 That's it.  One picture of Milo and his thumb.  You would think that I would have got one of the birthday boy too... maybe next year!

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