Saturday, March 13, 2010


It seems like I should have something remarkable to say. Turning 30 is somewhat remarkable.

A few years ago I wrote a (LONG) post with 101 things about me. I'm not up to writing another 101 things... and there probably aren't 101 new things. But... a few things have changed.

1. I'm a mother.

2. I (we) own a home. Well, we're at least making payments to a mortgage company on a home.

3. Since that last post I've been to Washington, DC and Maui. I re-visited San Fransisco and Yuma, Arizona.

4. I no longer work (other than teaching the piano) and do not consider myself a caseworker. Sometimes it's hard to imagine what my life was like when I was a social worker.

5. I don't have to carry around 2 cell phones and a palm pilot. Just one (well used) blackberry.

6. I did end up finishing the Harry Potter series. But I won't be reading the Twilight books.

7. I'm not sure if I still would say Christmas is my favorite holiday -it's become too stressful. Maybe the 4th of July or Groundhogs day.

8. I'm not sure I like to travel much anymore. It's kind of tough with kids. We still do travel, quite a bit in my opinion, but it takes a lot of effort to get there.

9. I'm pretty sure my favorite ice cream flavor is now mint chocolate chip. I love mint.

10. The number of moves is now up to 18. I've been in this home longer than I've lived anywhere since I graduated from high school.

Somethings haven't changed

11. I still drive a Subaru. And, with a little luck, when we buy a new car, it will STILL be a Subaru.

12. I still have a fear of infertility, or not being able to have more children.

13. I love having lunch with friends, it's the only time I see most of them now.

14. I'm still tall, blue eyes, and (mostly) brown hair. No greys yet either.

15. Although I only listen at the gym or in the car if it's early enough, I still only listen to one radio station (X96) and one radio program (Radio from Hell).

16. My motto is still SMILE AND BE GRATEFUL. I should do a better job at remembering that on a daily basis.

17. Despite a bad year or two, I still LOVE the red sox. My plan is to decorate The Little Man's room (when he is no longer in the nursery) in Red Sox. He WILL be a fan!

18. I'm still, of course, a dog person. Without a dog. I say that I want to have all of my babies before I get a dog, but that's not true. If I can get a fenced yard, I really want a puppy. I wouldn't have to sweep as often! I want a English Springer Spaniel -long hair but doesn't shed, good with kids, and not overly energetic.

19. Still a liberal. In fact, I may be even more liberal or leaning towards the democratic party than I was a few years ago. It was pretty cool seeing the president too. Twice.

There may have been a few things about myself that I managed to leave out in the first list.

20. I'm an early to bed, early to rise person. If I could manage it, I'd be in bed by 9, and up at 6 (and at the gym) every day. It's usually closer to 10:30 or 11, and still up by 6 most mornings.

21. I look at every car I drive by or passes me. I don't know why, but I notice every car, the year and model, and ESPECIALLY the registration date. It always annoys me when I see license plates with expired registration stickers.

22. I'm addicted to Facebook. I don't think I even knew what Facebook was when I made the first list. I enjoy reading people's status' - especially the ones that share WAY to much personal information, exhibit less than stellar spelling and grammar abilities, and try to come off better than everyone around them.
23. I love it when the Little Man goes down for a nap, but surprisingly I am equally excited when he get's up. Most of the time.

24. I have a good memory. Depending on who you ask, I have a great memory (anyone but my husband). This is usually a good thing.

25. I love when my bed is made, but I hardly ever make it. It seems so pointless. No one see's it but me and Justin, and I'm just going to get back in it that night.

26. I think my favorite vacation was New York and Boston. Boston for the history and Red Sox (duh) and New York for Ground Zero and I realized, once I was there, that every American should visit New York at least once.

27. I love saving money, and find a 'deal'. However, you have to still 'spend' money to save money, so Justin doesn't like this hobby of mine.

28. I like trying new recipes. I actually rarely make the same thing twice, because I want to try something new.

29. I can't sew, dance, or play organized sports very well. I'm not that creative or have any real artistic abilities.

30. Thirty. Man, that sounds old.


  1. hey, it could be worse---you could be 35, soon to be 36!!!!

  2. You are still a great daughter and have many talents and a love for the Lord.

  3. What a sweet Mom you have. I definitely agree with her. Speaking as a 40+ person. We have the ability to be what we want to be and change the things that we want to. Enjoy the dirty-thirties!!!! My 30's were awesome, I made a lot of good financial decisions and career choices. It only gets better :)

    PS Keep smiling and being grateful
