Saturday, April 24, 2010


Elder Lafeen (Bryan) came home from his mission last weekend. Justin was still in Chicago (he arrived in Salt Lake about 30 minutes after Bryan did).

The Little Man and I went to the airport to see them. Without a cell phone. (Mine hadn't been working all week). We got there early and were the only ones there. Weird... I couldn't believe his parents, sister, friends, and grandparents weren't there yet.

First I wondered if there was a traffic problem on the freeway or the main highway they would have taken to the airport.

Then I started thinking that Bryan must have missed his connecting flight (he was already a day late due to the air traffic problems in Europe/England.)Because I didn't have a phone with me, there was no way anyone could get a hold of me and let us know.

That was my ONLY explanation I came up with. I was where I should have been, and everyone else was lost or delayed.

So... we waited around another 30 minutes for Justin to get here. And then HE wasn't coming as scheduled. Again, I'm assuming it all had to with problems with domestic flights, but I was still in the right place.

I was so wrong.

Most of you are probably familiar with the Salt Lake International Airport. Compared to a lot of airports, it's really not that big. Or confusing. There are only 3 terminals, and really only 2 are used very often. The Delta terminal... and everything else.

I was in the everything else terminal.

Bryan and Justin flew in on Delta.

Once Justin get to his family and realized I wasn't there he had me paged over the intercom. I didn't think of this of course, because I assumed no one else was in the airport -just me and the Little Man. It never even occurred to me I was in the wrong terminal. In fact, I forgot there WAS another terminal.
So... the Little Man and I arrived after everyone else in the Delta Terminal to see Bryan.

Man, it was a long night.

I must have been too confused and frustrated to actually take pictures, because I really didn't get any. Expect for these...
This is a vending machine that serves chicken sandwiches. No thank you.
This is the tile throughout the airport. I get it -we live in the Rockies, it's a mountain 'scene'. I was just wondering how much time and money was spent on this. I don't think anyone would have minded if the floor was just tile. You can look outside to see the mountains.
The Little Man was AMAZED at the moving walkway. He loved it.
I think he was thinking, "Uh, mom, why don't we try to walk down to the next terminal. Maybe you wouldn't have to entertain me by yourself an hour after my bedtime. "
Welcome home, Bryan!


  1. Life before cell did anyone really survive??

  2. how did i miss this post?? this cracks me up!!!!
