Monday, September 13, 2010

The weekend that wasn't

A month or so the Hardcastle's decided we wanted to go camping. We had good intentions, but started planning too late, and the first (and only) free weekend for everyone was last weekend. Not a whole lot of camping goes on around here after Labor Day (if you're not in a camper). My dad checked the weather and the low was going to be in the 20's. I can handle mid-30's, but no one was up to freezing all night, so we cancelled it. I think we'll try again next year, but we'll plan it a little earlier.

We did, however, enjoy the best part of camping -the food. Most of us went over to my parents for a dutch oven dinner (ribs, potatoes, and dessert). Our little family decided to stay overnight and we all went to the Ogden Dinosaur Park. The Little Man LOVED the dinosaur park. I'm pretty sure he thought the mechanical dinosaurs were real, and more entertaining than most of the animals at the zoo.

We also went up to our cabin for Grandma Hardcastle's birthday. We only get up there about once a year now, so the Little Man doesn't remember ever being there. He LOVED being outside and I love that I have cousins and siblings that wanted to chase him around all night.


  1. How fun! We went to that dino park a few years ago and had a blast. i think next year (once our zoo pass is up) we will get a pass there. we are pretty close to it now.


    ps you are a cute pregnant mama!

  2. What a cute family pic of you guys at the park.
