Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A quick update

I feel like between the 3 kids blogs I've stayed pretty up to date, but I don't really think that is true.  Here's the run-down

Hyrum- ran in another kids run, this one for Davis County (Aunt Jessica).  He won the kids race!  It wasn't super official or anything, and it was actually a mud race, but he manged to stay focused during the short distance and crossed the finish line first.  He was pretty excited.  I actually don't think he noticed or cared that he won, I'm sure the go-gurts he got after were more memorable.

-Is officially starting preschool next week.  I'm sure this will have a post of it's own.  We went for orientation today, so he thinks he started today.  I'll try to make a bigger deal about it next Tuesday.

-goes to bed much better since putting Kate in his room.  It requires a bit more planning -Kate needs to be asleep before he goes in and it doesn't always work out perfectly, but I've been impressed.  Naps are still separate, since he doesn't always take a nap and plays around too much.  I'm not sure how we'll handle that one once the baby is in actually in the mostly-vacant room.

Kate- has definitely decided learning how to communicate with words instead of screaming will benefit her in the long run.  She seriously talks up a storm, seems to learn new words every day, and will more often ask (or tell) me things before crying or whining.  If she's in a good mood, that is.

-wants to do EVERYTHING her brother does.  All the time, regardless of her ability level.  She is demanding equal time on the iPad/iPhone's, has bruised and scabbed knee's and shins at all times, and loves rough housing.  She surely is a little girl with an older brother.

-is obsessed with babies, so the new addition should prove interesting in the next month.  She's also obsessed with sitting with mom on her lap, so I'm not sure how kindly she'll take to the new little guy taking up even more space than my belly currently does.

Justin- hmmm.... not much new here I think.  I doubt I've mentioned the upcoming deployment much on the blog.  It's scheduled for March.  Originally it was the 10th, now it's moved back a week, so we'll have to see the exact day as it get's closer.  He'll train for several weeks at different bases stateside and then deploy for 6  months in Afghanistan.  Work and his other interests are about the same I suppose.

I am DONE being pregnant.  Unfortunately I'm just barely 36 weeks, so I have a few more to go.  I have a weird pelvic thing going on, varicose veins that have 'popped' up, and pregnancy acne that turned into a raging infection on my chin a month ago to deal with.  Plus, as any woman who has been pregnant will tell you, there just isn't anything good about being 9 months pregnant.  I don't want to complain too much, I'm incredibly grateful that I can get pregnant, that the baby and I are safe and healthy, and we get to add another little person to our family, but it's just a little rough at the end.  I can't possibly imagine stretching any bigger, gaining any more weight, or sleeping less than I am now.  Even though ALL of those things are going to happen!  Plus, between my doctor and a dermatologist trying to get my face to an acceptable pain and appearance level, I'm hoping the little guy doesn't come out green or with a third hand or something.  Oh... and did I mention the heat?  I was fully aware that this summer would be a long and hot one (being pregnant) but, I didn't plan on it being a never-ending season with record-breaking temps the entire time.

That is all.  Mom is tired and ornery, dad is busy and traveling, the kids are happy and healthy.

I guess this is the part where I go and search for a couple of pictures to post, just in case you skipped all the 'words' and just want to see a picture.  It's okay... sometimes I do it too!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there - you and I are both "done" in more ways than one. Makes you just want to sit on and squish those tiny girls who "love" being pregnant, gain 7 pounds, and run a marathon a week after they have a baby. ;)
