Sunday, October 14, 2012

No time

There is an e-card or joke going around online that I've seen a few times. And in all honesty, I agree with it. It says something like "Raising kids and running a house keep me busy too. I also have this little gig on the side called a full time job".

There are women/mothers out there that have a whole lot more on their plate than I do. More kids, more church responsibility, more work responsibility, better housekeepers, more everything. Even knowing that, I could never believe moms who said they didn't have time to eat during the day. With Hyrum, I always had time to eat, with Hyrum and Kate I still always found time to eat. With three (and no husband at the moment)?  I barely have time to drink a few glasses of water during the day!  I didnt think that was possible.

Today was just a hectic day. Worse than usual night with Milo, church 75 minutes away (family homecoming), stopping at the hospital on the way home to say hi to my mom, 2 potty stops on the way home (should have been 3, so I'm also washing a car seat cover). I'm just dog-tired. And when I sit down (nursing has its benefits, like I have to sit down for a few minutes) and add my food in my phones app I realized I stuck dinner (for me) in the microwave a couple hours ago and it's still there.

Also explains why Milo has been less than satisfied with his time nursing as well. I'm definitely going to drink more water at least tomorrow, remember to take my breast feeding prescription and herbal supplements and eat more snacks during the day.

Unless the opportunity for a nap presents itself. Then I don't care what I've had to eat or drink, I'll take that nap. A mom has to have her priorities straight.


  1. I'm convinced by reading this that your life is crazy busy right now, and I commend you for keeping it together. I'm still not convinced though that I'LL ever forget to eat.

  2. I hear ya on the food thing. I snack all day long but never eat anything real. My arms are always full. One thing I've started doing though is a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. ( It's killing two birds with one stone - It's fast to prepare and I'm not starving and it's helping me continue to shed a few pounds before I figure out how to find time to get back into the exercise routine i had a year ago.
