Friday, October 12, 2012

Survival Mode

I was really worried about this week and next, but so far, it's been a bit easier than I feared it would be.

I've managed to keep all three kids alive, fed, and I've even showered every day.  The kitchen and living room has even managed to be cleaned a few times.  Much better than I gave myself credit for.  I've also got Hyurm to school on time and ran a few errands.  Pretty good for 2 kids, a newborn, and husband that is out of the country.

Milo is healthy and happy.  Still pretty mellow and sleepy.  Most nights he goes back to sleep pretty quickly after eating, even though he's up at least 3 times at night (which is pretty normal).  A couple of days this week I've been lucky enough to get all four of us a nap too.

Kate is showing more interest in the baby.  She still announces (and acts somewhat surprised) that there's a baby here.  I think she's starting to figure out he's sticking around.  She misses Hyrum when he's at school, but I try to give her a bit more attention when we're together.  She has grown up so much in the last 3 weeks (I blame being with my family in Jackson Hole and less of it on being a big sister).  She likes to steal Milo's binky, and take his bottles, but every once in a while she's helpful too.

Hyrum still loves his little brother, and says that he's such a cutie all of the time.  He loves holding him and even fed him a bottle for a minute today.  He loves school and seems to be doing really well there.  He's a big helper around the house too, and has also seemed to have grown up a lot in the last month.

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