Friday, August 3, 2007

Here's lookin' at you, kid

Well... life goes on after Charlie. And, the day after (Thursday) I paid a group of men and women to put drops in my eyes, poke and prod them with metal instruments and then burn some of my cornea off. It was delightful.

For those of you haven't experienced lasik, it's kind of hard to describe, but it reminded me a little of the dentist -for your eyes. The pain and discomfort was a little dull, but I could still feel everything that was going on -and see it.

Speaking of seeing it -we came home with a DVD of the entire procedure. I think Justin's trying to figure out a way to put it on the blog. A warning for those of you (myself included) who are a little squeamish, don't watch it. It's little sci-fi and gross.


  1. I have to have a copy of that...and I'll need signed permission to show it to my students in yuma. I like grossing them out.

  2. Congratulations Mel!! Isn't it great!!

  3. I don't think that is the eye candy people are looking for on the internet. But we will take what we can get.
