Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 2

The 2nd week of January was cold.  So, so cold.  The high today was around 11 degrees, but according to weather.com it felt more like -4.  I'm really glad that I'm not in college anymore -in Logan.  I can't imagine the poor souls having to walk to 7 am classes this week.

Jan 9
I brought up the bouncy chair from the basement.  Dusted it off and Milo tried it.  3 out of 3, my kids love the bouncy chair!

Jan 10
It's been cold and it hadn't snowed in a while, which meant we have had a nasty inversion in the valley for a while.  Like, can't see the mountains and you can 'taste' the air, it's gross.  Today it cleared out (to make way for a storm) and on the way to school Hyrum said, "Look, mom, I can see the mountains".  I guess he had missed the view too.

Jan 11
The storm that cleared out the gunk left a LOT of snow.  It snowed almost non stop for two days.  In fact, we had a visitor for a night because of it.

Jan 12
Jodi was going to take Hyrum and Kate with her to my mom's for Friday night/Saturday day.  She was going to work during the day and my mom (and dad) was going to watch the kids.  The weather was pretty bad and the roads were even worse, so she ended up staying the night at our house.  The kids (and I) enjoyed the company.

Jan 13
The next night, Sunday, Jodi had us over for dinner.  Hryum and Kate LOVE her exercise machine.

Jan 14
Icicles out of my bathroom window.  It's been so cold that we can't really even go outside to play in the snow.  They are starting to feel like bars on the windows.  I don't often get 'cabin fever' but no husband, a 3 month old, and a couple of crazy and cooped up kids are driving me to drink.  If I drank.  Speaking of, I haven't even had a diet coke for months, if I ever leave the house again that will be first on my list.
Jan 15
I guess Hyrum wanted a few of his cars to feel the freeze as well.  I found this in our freezer today.  (This used to happen quite often, but hasn't for a while).

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