Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 4 (January 22-29)

I'm beginning to think the only posts I'll do on the family blog this year will be my picture a day one.  Which probably isn't the worse thing, short and to the point and lots of pictures.  Most people's favorite blog posts to read.

Jan 22
I found this among some CD's that I rarely listened to.  Gordon and I guessed it was made around 1999 or 2000.  It took me back to my first couple of years of college, a couple of country songs, a few from movies of the time, and a couple of ones that I skipped through then (and now).  Almost all of the tracks were still playable, I was quite surprised.

Jan 23
We went to the library.  All three kids.  I don't usually do that, but I had a book I needed to pick up so I risked it.  It was okay.  Kate found a book called "I love shoes", it was so fitting!

Jan 24
This picture doesn't do the ice justice.  We had a freezing rain storm on Thursday.  I've never seen freezing rain, it was pretty crazy.  I heard a news clip saying they haven't had a storm that bad (with freezing rain) since 1983, so it has been a while I guess.  I was dumb enough to take me and the kids to a friends house in the morning.  I made it up and down her stairs 3 times and on the fourth time down, while carrying Milo in his car seat, I slipped and fell.  On my butt, and down all 4 of her steps.  Today was the first day that my tailbone started to feel like it might not be broken (again).  Dumb ice.

Jan 25
I can't remember what else we did this day.  Milo actually fell asleep in his bouncer (just for a minute or two).  When I walked over to take a picture he woke up.

Jan 26
Justin had been gone for the week (pretty much for the last 3 weeks) came home and then had a drill weekend.  He got home with just enough time to change and for us to have dinner with his family at Lugano's.  I meant to take a picture of the restaurant, or our family, or our dinner, all of which was wonderful, but I forgot.  Right after we got home I ran to Target to get something for Milo.  By. Myself.  It was wonderful.  I could have walked around the store for hours if I wasn't so tired and my butt hurt (see picture explanation from previous day).  I bought formula, ibuprofen and a candy bar.  Did I mention I was by myself?

Jan 27
My Sunday morning started off by cleaning the tub after Miss Kate was in it.  I used all the cleaning supplies available to me, including bleach, and bleached all of the bath toys.  I'll let you figure out the rest of the story.

Jan 28
Bugs Bunny band aid after a visit with our new doctor.  I didn't hate the experience.  I missed (and still miss) our old doctor and hope to be able to go back to her, but our new doctor seemed nice and thorough.  The office was a lot smaller (he's the only doctor) which probably has it's benefits.  Milo doesn't do well with getting vaccines, (it's on the second time), and seems to take a good 24 hours to feel okay.  I don't know if it's just the injection site hurting or maybe feeling a little crummy from the medicine.  Last night he didn't sleep longer than 90 minute stretches (which made for one tired baby and momma all day today).

Jan 29
Today I had grand plans to finish the laundry I swore to myself I'd finish yesterday, clean the bathrooms and go the the gym.  I could barely stay awake when I was picking Hyrum up from preschool. But, I did manage to mostly clean up the kitchen and vacuum the living room before my visiting teacher came over.  And when Justin needed to run an errand I made him take Kate with him (who DIDN'T manage to stay awake on the way home from preschool and decided that a 10 minute car nap was all she wanted) and let Hyrum play with his playdoh before dinner.  So, not a complete failure.

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