Friday, March 6, 2009


Well, so far the last few days have been full of 'unforgettable' moments.

The flight couldn't have gone better. I was so nervous about the Little Man on the airplane, but he did great. He ate when we were taking off, stayed in his car seat the entire flight, and slept most of the time. There were no less than 10 other babies (including a set of 10 month old twins) on the flight. You could see the look of relief in all of the mother's eyes as we realized we wouldn't be the only ones (potentially) to have screaming kids. I think you could also see the fearful look of dread from the other passengers. All of the babies did good though.

The best part of the flight? Not the little bag of pretzels or flying over the Grand Canyon. It was the flight attendant as we were heading into Phoenix. One of the flight attendants got on the intercom, thanked us for flying, and told us we (the passengers) were unforgettable and they (the attendants) were too. Then, she sang. I'm not kidding. She sang "Unforgettable" over the intercom. She was dead serious too. I don't know how long the song actually is, but she sang at least two verses. I couldn't look up at her for fear of making eye contact and busting up laughing.

Due to scheduling changes Justin and I arrived in Phoenix at the exact same time. (Justin was on a different airline, and wasn't suppose to leave SLC until almost 4 hours later). So, Kathy ended up picking both of us up at the airport and we went to lunch before we parted ways. Kathy drives a convertible car that isn't known for having alot of cargo space. And, unfortunately, we had a lot of cargo. So, for a short time, we had to drive top down with me, baby, and stroller in the back seat. I was a little windblown by the end of that little trip.

After we dropped Justin off, it was the three of us heading to Yuma -about 2 1/2 hours from Phoenix. At least on this leg of the trip we drove with the top up. I will say that it is super easy to get a car seat in and out with the top down, but the Little Man didn't like the wind much. We met some of Kathy's friends at a local mexican restaurant. I had my first experience changing a diaper without one of those little changing tables. The food was really good (once it finally got there). I guess the place was busier than usual, and it kind of appeared that some of our orders were lost (it's never a good sign if the waitress is asking you what you want on your taco 70 minutes after you ordered it). We may have waited a while, but it was a fun wait.

After dinner we finally got the Little Man home for the evening. A quick bath in the sink, and I tried to put him down to sleep. All things considering, he did pretty good last night. We've definitely had better nights, but it could have been a lot worse.

So far we're enjoying our vacation, and I think Kathy's enjoying her 'stay-cation'. Doing nothing, watching TV all day and hanging out with friends at night isn't a bad way to spend a weekend.

No photos... you'll have to wait until we get home. It's been fun putting the Little Man in short sleeves for once!


  1. Melanie,
    wow, your flight to Phoenix really WAS unforgettable. I really enjoyed the part you wrote about not being able to look up at the flight attendant while she was singing, or you would have started laughing. I am surprised you didn't, honestly. Was she drunk?
    I hope you have a good rest of your vacation.

  2. Melly,
    I am so glad that your trip went well. What a relief! I didn't realize you were headed to Yuma. That is where I am originally from. I still have an aunt that lives down there. I love that place!

  3. I am so glad to hear the little man did so well on the flight. It is because you have been talking to him and preparing him for it :). Hope you are having tons of fun in Arizona, I am sure you are, and you might even get a tan out of it!
