Sunday, September 9, 2007

I don't see the elephant...

For those of you (which is probably at least HALF) that read this blog... I'm NOT going to write about Bevan. You have all done it justice, and I decided to write in my journal instead (yes, I'm still keeping a private journal that is NOT published on the Internet).

For those of you NOT in my family, by mom's uncle passed away yesterday. He was rather close to our family because he never married and had a family of his own, so he was involved in family celebrations and holiday's more often than he might have been otherwise. He had been quite sick for the last few months and the short story is, he's in a better place and no longer in any pain, which is a blessing.

So, I'll avoid the elephant in the room, and talk about what else I did this weekend.

Justin's been out of town since Friday evening. I went to visit my cute niece and her mom after I took him to the airport. Shondel is making Laila her Halloween costume... and I'm WAY excited to see her in it. She's going to be Wally (or maybe Wilma -is that a good female version of Wally???) the Green Monster. I'm excited to see it.

Saturday I went to do a 5K with Yvette and a few other friends ended up being there. I didn't run most of it, but I did enough to be pretty sore the rest of today, which doesn't take much.

I hurried home and got ready and went with Justin's mom and Shondel to Gardener Village to look around and have lunch, which was fun. When I got back from that I helped Yvette make a wedding cake and then drove 'up north'. Which is any place north of Salt Lake.

I went to a reunion in Roy. Not a high school reunion (Ugh) but another type of reunion, which was a little different. The ward I grew up in, -Roy 13th- had a reunion and invited everyone who had ever been a member of the ward to attend. It was nice to see alot of the people that have known me for most of my life. There were a few awkward moments (I admit I didn't send wedding invitations to EVERYONE) and I don't blame Jodi AT ALL for not wanting to come. Turns out I should have wore a sign (bigger than my wedding ring and new last name in ( ) on my chest) to announce, that yes, I am in fact MARRIED. It was the first (and sometimes) only question I got. Other than knowing more than I ever really wanted to know about everyone's individual grandchildren, it was a nice activity and I think we're (I went with my parents) are glad that we went.

After the reunion we went to a wedding reception of my brother Gordon's friend. He happens to be the little brother of my best friend growing up, Kristin, so I thought I'd tag along to that as well and see her and her family. That was fun to see her parents and her kids -I need to be better at stopping by when I'm 'up north' more often.

We met Jodi and had dinner. Justin had called and let me know about the emails that Paul and Karen had just sent about Bevan. We talked about that for a while and then I left to come home. My mom called and let me know that Bevan had passed away before I even got on the freeway.

What a day.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle Bevan. It sounds like you are ok with his passing.
    Sounds like you had a busy busy weekend!

  2. Sorry to hear about your uncle. I remember a lot of stories that you would tell us about him and his artwork.
