Tuesday, September 16, 2008

6 things too many

Jodie tagged me on this one... I like reading other peoples 'things' but, I have such a hard time coming up with my own. I guess after you come up with 100 things about yourself, you figure there isn't much more to say, but I'll try.

1. I like researching things. I know this isn't new -but the tag isn't 6 things you don't know about me, it said 'quirky things'. Bryon is trying capitalize on this skill (obsession), although I'm not sure if anything could come of that. I like trying to find the best product, with the best reviews or ratings, for the best price. I often enjoy the researching part more than actually getting or using the product.

2. I'm a skeptic. This goes for just about everything. I don't really believe what I hear in the news (which may be why I don't watch it). I think everyone has their own agenda that they're pushing when they report or make any kind of claims. I don't really believe all of the 'history books' -especially ones in public schools. My favorite history book, which I've read several times is Howard Zinn's, A People's History of the United States. I don't know if it's any more 'true' than what we're used to being told, but it at least tells a different perspective, which is refreshing.

3. I don't like smelling things. (Boy, that was a random thought). I'll admit I'm a bit more sensitive to smells at the moment, but I don't normally like smelling things -just in case they're bad. If the date on the milk is off, I don't smell it, just throw it out. Same goes for any other perishable item. I don't breathe through my nose when I go into public restrooms. This obviously includes outhouses and such when you're camping, but even my work bathroom, I just don't want to risk smelling something I would rather not be.

4. I'm afraid of heights, but love roller coasters. To me, this has always seemed like an oxymoron, maybe it's not. I love roller coasters, as long as I feel strapped in and secure. I like the feeling you get in your stomach when you're in motion or looking down from a high point, but if I'm not strapped into something, I hate it. Hiking in high spots, or even being in really tall buildings and looking down makes me sick to my stomach.
5. I speed. All of the time. Maybe not when it's a 25 or 30 mph area, and especially not in school zones, but everywhere and every other time I'm driving, I have to be going at least 10 over. I've never been pulled over for speeding, a few other things, but never speeding. Apparently I inherited that trait from my mom.

6. I really want a dog (again). This might not be something 'quirky' about me, but I'm back on the dog 'kick'. It appeared early on when I was pregnant and reason overpowered my desire. I need to have this kid first and figure that out before we get a dog. But... it's back now, and I really want one. Seriously, look at these pictures and tell me you could resist?


  1. I looked at your pictures and I could resist!

  2. and yet you made me go on the stratosphere rides.

  3. Who doesn't need a dog!?! Every little kid needs a dog - you can't deny your future child of this important necessity! :) I loved all three, maybe you need three?

  4. The puppy's darling, but then he turns into a dog, and that is the problem :)

  5. Ok so I am totally with you on the heights thing! I am very afraid of heights, but LOVE roller coasters. Something about being strapped in and secure. It is probably a false sense of security, but it feels secure none the less. :)

  6. Seriously, THIS COULD BE MY LIST! I so feel ya. Heck, I have a dog and I even want another one. And research? Oh don't get me started. :)

  7. Hey if I get you (or your child) a puppy for christmas is that okay?

  8. Better not... who know's what I'll want 4 weeks after the baby.

  9. What cute dogs. Rami has been looking at dogs and we are thinking of getting a puppy but having apuppy and a baby at the same time seems overwhelming to me. Maybe in the spring. Who knows, maybe we will be potty training Eva and the new puppy at the smae time and that way we only have to clean the carpets once.
