Tuesday, September 9, 2008

If we all just work together...

Nope, I'm not venting about my job (although after the day I've had, I would have plenty to say).

It's not a plea for the two political sides to come together and stop arguing.

I'm not even asking for people to come to my house and help me sort through the ever-increasing number of boxes full of STUFF that is accumulating in my unfinished basement.

It's much, much easier than any of those things.

Bryon brought it to my attention yesterday that my 'wishlist' link on my profile was no more. Looks like froogle.com isn't up and running for some reason. I did some searching, and found that a 'shopping list' on google still existed and there was a public list, that could be given out as a wish list.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

My list is compiled of the most random, useful, although unnecessary list of items I've come across during my many hours of internet browsing for the past couple of years. Random, useful and unnecessary? 3 things that make GREAT Christmas presents.

So... I challenge you (especially all of you who normally receive gifts from me) to fill your wishlists and post the links so we can all get our shopping done a little early this year and not worry about whether or not you want our useful, random, unnecessary items this December.

Is everybody with me?



  1. Great Idea....if you could get your other half, and the rest of our family to do it, I might be able to meet your timeline of having mine done by Halloween too! This really takes the stress away from trying to find the perfect gift.

  2. Your complaining about your basement, but thinking about Christmas. That a bit hypocritical! I wish I was thinking about Christmas, but no, I have two more birthdays to think of first.

  3. I'm so upset. After our chat I just went online searching... and may have got you and or Justin something on this page:


    The thing is I just spend 2 days online looking at Uncommongoods.com for stuff and I couldn't settle on anything. So you can come over to my family and trade the above with something from UCG if you like

  4. and for Christmas I want both Political Parties to come together and stop arguing...I don't care too much about your basement
