Monday, December 15, 2008

Little to say

I hate the fact that I haven't posted in so long. It's not for lack of desire or even time, really. Although it takes a lot longer, I am fully capable of typing a post one handed, which is necessary when you're feeding a baby.

I just have nothing to say. My life is being lived in 3 hour increments, that start with feeding a baby and may or may not include any sleep between the feedings. Last night, for instance, did not. Not until almost 3 am, although, I did get a one hour reprieve from Justin.

I never know what day of the week or month it is, which hasn't seemed to matter much, my days just run together. We had a family shower last Saturday, but I never took my camera out of my bag -oops, so no pictures. One thing was certain, our kiddo is one spoiled little boy. Thanks for all of you who came bearing gifts. At this rate, we're going to have to change him 3 times a day just so he can wear all of his cute clothes.

Christmas is coming, and I'm nearly done shopping. Actually, I really just have to get one more gift, and nag Justin to get one more as well. I have NO idea what our plans will be for the holidays. It turns out I'm not much of a typical 'first-time' mom, and I am probably not paranoid enough about the winter season and all of the germs it brings. I have a difficult time reminding people to wash their hands before holding the baby, or rescuing him from certain situations (who BLOWS all over a baby's face ?!?!?). We're having a hard enough time trying to get him fed, and asleep, and figure out what he wants/needs without adding him being sick on top of it.

So, other than trying to figure out if I'm still starving my child, getting very little sleep, and enjoying holding a little baby (it's not ALL bad) I have little else to say.

And you can only say that so many times before people start to get REALLY bored!

Aren't we mean parents? The antlers were Justin's idea.


  1. No only Justin is mean. You just have to indulge his desires every now and again. lol!

  2. I can tell by his smile it was his idea.

  3. Who blew on your baby?! I'm sounding really shocked when I ask that. In fact the thing then comes to mind is Rachel saying, "My boss wants to buy my baby!" And then Joey freaking out and going to her office and yelling at her boss. I'm as shocked as Joey. That's just weird.

  4. Sometimes I blow in my dogs' mouth (it's funny; not as funny as giving them Pop Rocks). I don't think your kid would give the same reaction. Did he have the antlers on when the person did it?
