Saturday, November 5, 2011

A rough start

Justin is out of town for a week.  He's spending the weekend in Michigan working for the Navy and then heading to Toronto until Friday for Oracle.

We celebrated by staying up all night Thursday with Hyrum throwing up every 20 minutes or so.  Friday morning was a blur and then I started feeling sick that afternoon.  By the time we dropped Justin off at the airport I knew it wasn't going to be pretty.  I had the misguided notion that a shake would calm down my stomach (I hadn't eaten anything except for some greek yogurt at breakfast).  I was wrong.  It came back up later that night.

So far, we seem to be on the upswing and luckily Kate is still doing great.  Which is good, I suppose if she starts throwing up we won't be long from the ER.  As for Justin, he's currently feeling very sick on a Navy base in Battlecreek.  I warned him not to eat anything... but it didn't sound like he believed me.

It's been a rough start for our week without our dad.

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