Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I started a post that was quickly becoming too long and detailed. Maybe it was because it was 1:30 am (feeding Milo). Now it's 4:30 and I've had an extra 2 hrs of sleep. Here's my short list on this years election.

*too much money is spent campaigning.
*electoral college should be abolished.
* there's a Mormon running for president. I did not vote for him because I don't agree with his party platform. I'm sure (I hope) he's a good man, but I'm not sure he's honest and I'm afraid he's pandered too much with the far right to get the nomination.
*i voted for Obama. I like him. I trust him. I think his ideas on social issues including healthcare reform, education, and caring for our own people is more closely aligned with mine.
*just like the rest of America I'm tired of the campaign. I actually like the debates and the reporting, but I'm tired of people on social media sites posting against 'the other guy' instead of for 'their guy'. It's full of ignorance and hate. Mostly ignorance (and a bit of stupidity and gullibility)
*i'm very excited and a bit anxious to see who wins the presidential election, along with our hotly contested congressional race. I think I'm more worried that Mia Love will win over Matheson than I am about Mitt Romney winning.
*last but NOT least if you happen to be reading this and still have time to vote and haven't, please do. Even if you don't feel like your vote 'matters' or you're not sure who to vote for, just vote. Men and women fought long and hard, lost their livelihoods and even their lives for YOUR opportunity to vote, please don't ignore that.

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