Monday, November 12, 2012

Missionary Dinners

I served a full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the New Zealand Wellington mission. In two of the four areas where I served we were fed dinners every night. In the other two we were fed more often than not during a typical month. One of those area's, Nelson, was a small branch with two sets of missionaries. We ate at the same place every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on. Same with the Elders. In fact, two if those families fed both the sisters AND the elders every week, that's twice a week! 

I have a lot of meals to make up for, to say the least. 

Justin (who was fed twice a day for his two years of serving in Brazil) and I have always tried to sign up to feed the missionaries when it's our wards turn and its convenient. Even since Justin has started traveling more, I've started inviting another couple to dinner (since a single woman can't have the elders in her home). 

 I'm not writing this to boast of my 'service', but one of the many testimonies I gained while serving was the blessings that come from feeding the missionaries. Most of the members felt it a privilege (not just an obligation) to feed the us.  Even if it meant a hardship or sacrifice. 

I know most missions require that their missionaries be fed right at 5 pm so they can continue to work and visit with people after 6. That's difficult because many people aren't always home right at 5. However, you can also feed them on weekends, drop off dinners at their apartment, or even invite another family over for an early dinner. 

I don't mean to make anyone feel guilty, it's just something I've been thinking about lately. Our city has recently become apart of the smallest mission, geographically, in the world. Six square miles- can you imagine spending 2 years completely within 6 miles! Their specific areas are even smaller. Our ward now has the opportunity/responsibility to feed our missionaries every third week. And today, when the sign-up sheet was passed around today, one person signed up. One. 

So... I'm feeding the missionaries (and another couple) on Thursday. The good thing is, my kids will get dinner that didn't come from a can or needs to be microwaved (I don't cook much when Justin is out if town) and it gives me motivation to clean my house. 

And the blessings, which I could use! All jokes aside, I really do believe that it is a privilege to serve in this way, despite the possibility of an inconvenience, extra cost, or stress it may cause. Even for families that don't "owe" over 1,000 meals (just think how many more I'll need to pay back or pay forward if all three of my kids serve and are fed by others!!) 

Just something to remember next time the sign up sheet is passed around next time. 

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