Friday, November 23, 2012


I'm going to wrap all of my Christmas presents in nice, cute wrapping paper. I'm making myself go through all of my mismatched, too-thin paper first.

I'm going to sleep 8 hrs straight again

I'm going to take a 'just girls' trip with my best friend. I'm thinking Baton Rouge or Boston again.

I'll go to a clothing store or even my own closet and not hate everything (and my body)

My kids won't watch too much tv or play on the iPad and iPhone too much

We'll have a family dog

My sister will live in Utah again. I know she lives here now, but they're moving to California so I'm already anticipating when they move back.

All my kids will be in school and I'll feel like I have some guilt-free time for myself

I'll go back to school. Master's degree or a specific certificate program

Justin will be home from this upcoming deployment. No more wondering 'how I'll do it'.

We'll have a different house with a real yard. (And we'll miss our HOA with its lawn car and snow removal).

I'll own something from Tiffany's. (I tried earlier this year, but it didn't work out that way.

My kids will have a ton of cousins at the Hardcastle's and we'll hardly remember how quiet it was with just mine

We'll move to a ward where I don't have to play the organ. (Or at least not every week).

I'll go back to New Zealand and Fenway.

My kids will be so grateful I took the time and energy to keep these blogs and create the record books of their lives

I'll have a membership to a real gym again. I'm grateful for the options we have with a county recreation pass, but I miss Golds Gym!

We'll take a family vacation to Disneyland when no one needs to take a nap (except maybe me).

I'll get my hair cut and colored more regularly. I used to think I waited so long because it saved money. Now I realize its more of the time it takes and trying to schedule it.

My face will not show any signs of how bad it got during this last pregnancy.

I'll miss how easy life was with 3 little kids.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, I miss that ward that needs you to play the organ every week. :) I wonder what life will really be like when this stage passes. I'm afraid for me I may end up being somewhat lonely when my kids are gone. Who knows?
