Sunday, October 7, 2007

More to Life

I think my biggest problem when I sit down at the computer to write something bloggish is that I never really know what you want to read, or perhaps there's just too much that I want to share?

Work was very busy last week, and I fear it will only get busier. We have a new tradition at our location where the winner of a certain award gets a superman cape put on him. It was a little embarassing to wear a superman cape in front of everyone at my office, but a fun memory as well...

Saturday came and it was all conference for us. We left at about 8:30AM and rode with Mel's parents to the first session. I love conference. I love seeing the prophets and apostles and feeling of their spirit (and that of many many others). It was interesting, as I have noted in the past couple years, to see changes happen in the organization of the first presidency and quorum of the twelve. The Seventy are going to be led by three presidents instead of the seven or so previously. A few of those I identify with were made Emeritus as well.

It was especially painful to me when President Hinckley and President Monson walked out without President Faust. It brought me to tears to feel the impact of that vacancy. He was truly a great man (as I suppose they all are). Plus, he served his mission in the second greatest country on earth...Brazil.

This morning I lit our fireplace and it took me back to our home on 6595 South when we would have the fireplace going and sit beside it on the cold stone wrapped in a homemade afghan blanket. I remember cold winters with much snow and a warm fireplace. My mom always seemed to make it there first, but sometimes us kids would lie on the floor and put our feet up to be warmed. I miss those days.

I guess I'll stop there. It's almost time for breakfast at our couple-friends house. Yumm!

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