Friday, October 17, 2008


This week, for some unexplained reason, I have been really, REALLY tired. Usually it starts Wednesday night, but this week it started Tuesday. We had a full evening on Wednesday, so when I got home from the zoo (see post later) yesterday, I wanted to eat and go to bed.

I missed the debate, so I watched that while I made and ate dinner while switching back to the Red Sox game every 10 minutes or so. It was sad. We were down by 7 and weren't even on the board so I thought I'd watch for 10 minutes or so and then go to bed early.

Not so.

For those of you who watched (or heard about it after YOU got sick of the game and turned it off early)

These guys hit a couple of home runs:

And with a couple of more hits (and one AWESOME error that should have ended the inning by Tampa)
I went to bed a little later, but a lot happier!


  1. We gave up on the Sox - went to bed and then Dustin got his text message and prepared for the worst...Nice job Sox...glad someone stayed up to watch them win :)

  2. I am glad your team won...isn't it a great feeling watching 'your team' when things FINALLY go well and they pull off a win...I can relate, although my team is not the Red Sox!

  3. Are you in mourning today like we are here in the Trenches?

    Stinkin' Sox.
