Saturday, December 22, 2007

The end to a very long week

How can you miss something that you never really had?
Today I found out. You can miss that thing very, very much.

I got the results of a test this morning that I had been waiting for since Wednesday. The waiting was killing me, but I found myself not wanting to hear the results, because I was pretty sure I already knew them.

I found out on Tuesday that Justin and I were expecting a baby. I was over-joyed and surprised that it had happened so quickly. I expected this week to be very long and slow-moving because I wanted to surprise him on Christmas morning with a baby nightie and to tell him were going to be parents next year.

Instead, he came home from work on Wednesday to a very distraught wife who told him, 'Honey, we're pregnant. And, I might be having a miscarriage.' It didn't go the way I had planned, to say the least.

So, after 22 hours of bliss, I've had to wait these last 4 days not knowing whether or not my body wanted to keep this pregnancy. At least I had those 22 hours... Justin wasn't even that lucky this time around.

Yes, I know there are good things that have come out of this. At least we know I can get pregnant, (and rather quickly, I might add) and this is a very common thing to happen to women. I know I'll be okay. I know that we'll try again. And I know this is a natural process the body sometimes needs to go through when things aren't going well at the beginning.

None of that matters very much right now though.

I still miss that baby that I never really had, very, very much.


  1. We love you both, and know you'll be OK. Typical man response, Dad says "well now they know they can get pregnant". But we are both sad too, It felt great to think about being grandparents. Love ya. MOM

  2. So sorry to hear that. Especially around the holidays.
    Take care.

  3. We love you both and are so sorry for you loss.

  4. hey melanie and justin! this is sara neerings, i came across your blog and i just wanted to tell you im so sorry for your loss. my family has been through that and it so hard. ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. Mel,
    I am so sorry. Miscarrages are never fun. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
