Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A post while I wait (or weight)

Okay... I wrote a post yesterday, but I seem to have temporarily misplaced our camera. (I know I had it at my parents on Sunday, so it can't be far.) So... I don't want to post about our mini vacation down south ('down south' for Utahns happens to be St. George or Vegas) until I have the pictures. So, that will be coming shortly.

I wanted to check in with my New Years Resolutions and maybe make a confession or two.

#1. Lose weight. Well... this week should get me started on this one. I've been using my heart rate monitor every day and I think it's helping me push myself. I've set the goal that I'll lose at least 500 calories (when I spin, it's closer to 1,000) a day, and every other day I only do 25-30 minutes of cardio, so the rest has to come from strength training. Which means, I'm pretty sore most days. PLUS... (here's where the confession comes in) Justin and I are trying the RESET program with USANA. (I'm not going to put a link for it, I'm not sold on their products, so I wouldn't want to send people there -but you could search for it if you wanted to)
The program consists of taking the USANA vitamins twice a day and drinking 3 meal replacement shakes and 2 fiber bars a day. And that's it. But, it's just for 5 days.
From yesterday til today the scale says that I've lost 3 lbs, but a lot of that is probably water weight because of how much I'm drinking. I'm not sure how Justin's doing, other than that he's STARVING. I don't think he has as much experience with dieting as I do. It can be pretty hard.
Anyway... if any of you have ever used USANA vitamins, I'd love to hear from you. Good and Bad stuff. We're not sure they can fit into our budget right now, (of for Justin, ever) but I'm a sucker for healthy stuff. So, I'm leaning towards trying to take them on a regular basis.

On to the rest of my list.

#2. I started compiling a list of birthdays. That's all. Maybe today I'll try to go out and buy some cards and stamps. So far we've only had 2 birthdays, my sister and Justin's mom.

#3 and #4 could use some work. We read a lot on our way back from St. George on Sunday, and we're on our schedule, but it hasn't yet become part of our routine, which is what we need.

So... all in all, I'm not doing too bad. Granted... it's the 15th of January, and I posted my resolutions on the 4th, but I should keep them going.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously! You need to loose weight? Where and where??
