Friday, January 4, 2008

First Post in the New Year

Okay... I've been thinking about my 'resolutions' for a week or so, and I think I might be ready to write them down so the great blog community can remind me that I've failed all of my goals come February. And... so Bryon can have a list to copy from.
First, the obvious one...

1. Lose weight. I know, I know, I'm REAL original in this one. More specifically, I am going to lose 500 or more calories each time I go to the gym (thanks to my new heart rate monitor I can track these things). I've given myself one day off during the week, so I'll attend the gym 4-5 times a week and I'll do strength training 2-3 times a week instead of just cardio. Oh... AND, I'll quit snacking on chocolate at work.

2. Write Birthday Cards. I love birthdays, and I think you should make a big deal about them, especially when you're under 18. So... I will go and buy bulk birthday cards and somehow keep track of everyone's birthdays and get cards in the mail (with a stamp). Everyone will include: Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters, sibling-in-laws, grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. It will also include friends (if I know your address, you'll be on the list) and the young single adults that Justin and I teach in church.

3. Read the Book of Mormon with Justin (and hopefully the Young Single Adult Class). Justin and I read the Book of Mormon cover to cover during our engagement, and I haven't been very good since. This year's Sunday School curriculum is the Book of Mormon, so we'll challenge our class to keep up with Justin and I. And, to make sure we're keeping our end of the bargain, we'll update a chart in front of the class every week with our progress.

4. Daily personal and family prayers. Got that Justin? I know we start and stop all the time, so now everyone knows.

There's many other goals and resolutions I could and probably should make, but those are the four. Feel free to add your list and ask how I'm doing on my goals.


  1. I think you can scratch off the gym. You are the most dedicated person I know and you look great.

  2. First of all...I agree with Bryon. Second of all...I love Calvin & Hobbes.
