Thursday, June 12, 2008

All Grow-ed Up

You would think that getting married... signing a mortgage, or getting pregnant would make me feel old, or at least like an adult.


It happened the other night when I had to buy this:

Yep. We have a home phone line. I don't know the number. I'm not sure if and WHEN I'll memorize the number, I like cell phones. With Justin's new calling at church he wanted a home phone line so people aren't always calling his cell phone.

In other news... we're learning how to work with fondant in my cake class this month. Justin got to take it to work (sorry team) but here are the pictures.


  1. Nice... maybe I'll get married so you can make me a cake ... plan on at 3 cakes throughout my marriage career.

  2. Holy cow!!! That is amazing. I forgot to ask if you would be willing to help me decorate cupcakes for the party saturday??? (the 21st). Maybe we could do some Friday night?? Are you busy?

  3. that is adorable. Thanks for visiting at the hosp.

  4. Mel,
    That looks so good! I hope I will be able to do that eventually :). Maybe you really should quit your day job and start making cakes for a living!

  5. YES! I love that cake!!! It's so cute! You should definitely start your own cake decorating business! You could totally be Duff!!! I'd want to be Geof - but he's way cooler than I am, so maybe I'll have to be Mary Alice....

  6. Dang! Why weren't you taking these classes before my wedding! Your cakes are looking more amazing each new cake you create! You have a talent Mel.

  7. Wow what a cool cake. I would like to learn to do something like that, but let's face it, never going to happen.

  8. what is justin's new calling?
