Friday, June 27, 2008

A Tigger or an Eeore

I realize that this is an oversimplification of life, however in a recent speech given at Carnegie-Melon University, a now famous professor mentioned that there are Tiggers and Eeores in life, and that we choose which we are going to gravitate towards. I admit that no one is perfect, but our average tendency says a lot about our character and maturity.

If you haven't youtube'd this video or seen the new book coming out, I encourage you to do so:

Which one are you?


  1. I have already gotten the book and have even started it and now I cna't find it, it's not at your house iis it?

  2. Interesting...I don't know, but I hope i'm a tigger, cuz tiggers are wonderful things. Their tops are made of of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs.

  3. Judging by Mel's previous blog?
